That's right, I finally did it! On this here 4th of February I got around to making that one table and writing that one bit on the languages page! Now I can finally actually say that I'm done with the rominization/cyrillization section of the Anshens section! Next up is grammar, which will certainly be very interesting to explain, as the grammar of Anshens has been very much influenced by the fact that I write it more often than I speak it (which makes sense, when would I speak a language known only to myself?), and then after the grammar, I reckon that I'll start writing about Ektari Tai, which will be kind of easier maybe a little bit. Who really knows?
Anyways, did you know that of Montreal apparently has release 18 full albums? That band has insane output and I strive to listen to as much of their music as I can get my hands on cds of. Also I've started to watch twenty one pilots music videos because a friend of mine really likes them and suggested that I do, and I've unfortunately come to very much enjoy them. I fear what may come of this, but ah well, what happens happens, I suppose.
Wowza, what a doozy that was amirite? As someone who regards themself as strongly american, I am a bit shaken. I want this country to succeed, but I believe that we are bearing witness to the beginning of its ultimate downfall.
In other news, I got more cds :D! Also I forgot to write about The New Congress's Everybody Gets Up!, which I thought was alright, overall a pretty chill album that I would describe as completely tolerable at the worst; so basically, another great addition to the master-playlist that is slowly beginning to resemble a mediocre radio station that you leave on because you're completely fine with listening to the least-best music on it.
Oh yeah, about those new cds: I got three— An Innocent Man by Billy Joel, False Priest by of Montreal, and Destroy All Astro-Men!! by Man... or Astro-Man?. These all are actually great ngl. I thoroughly enjoy False Priest, and Destroy All Astro-Men!!was a great bit of fun to listen to, even though there's no lyrics (I personally enjoy listening to people saying words because then I can also say the words along). I surprisingly haven't gotten around to listening to An Innocent Man, because I managed to busy myself just enough that I don't have the most amount of time to listen to music always. As well as that limitation, the sleeve of False Priest (which was put together like a sleeve for a vinyl, which I thought was really cool) contained a piece of paper that had a website and code, "ESSENTIALS", to get a free album called Winston's Essentials. There was also a different url for another page on the website with a different code, "FALSE", but they both now link to the same page, on which only one of the codes, "ESSENTIALS", works. Though about this, I cannot complain, as said free album has on it 15 songs from various artists with a similar style to of Montreal in high quality mp3s! This is a lovely reminder of a time before mine when people used to get cool free things along with their purchases, a time when mp3s reigned supreme and people owned their music. Way back then, in like 2010 (which, now that I think about it, it was technically within 'my time', but far from when I could start to purchase anything so eh. Hell, I doubt I even knew what money was then). I haven't completely listened through Winston's Essentials yet, but halfway in, I've been having my fun.
Ok so, I really like it. Actually a huge fan, as it's exactly what one would expect from a live album of Billy Joel from performances in the USSR— a collection of his songs recorded live with applause and a translator for the song introductions. As it turns out, I think I like Billy Joel's music! I've never really listened to it much, but I was pleasantly surprised with it! I'm definitely adding it to the master playlist that I've been making for whenever I end up getting a dedicated music player. Speaking of, I've changed my mind on what I'll get— I've been thinking about the Mechen M30, as it plays flacs and has quite the aesthetic.
In the meantime, I've recently (today) obtained some more miscellaneous music cds! I got Silver by Leep 27, Everybody Gets Up! by The New Congress, Hello On The Go by The Music Workshop For Kids, Mozart: Klavierkonzerte Nos. 20 & 12 performed by the London Symphany Orchestra, and then a cd of the music of Love's Fowl which is a musical by Susan Vitucci (as far as I can tell with my limited research skills), and the music of West Side Story by Leonard Bernstein.
I've already started to listen to the Leep 27 album, and hoo boy is it ever pop-rock. I don't hate it, but it's very reminiscent of what one would hear on the radio in the mid-2000's to early 2010's. Great for driving I'm sure, but I find it quite borish to listen to it without something else to do, which is generally how I feel about a lot of that era's pop that I've listened to (do take my opinion with a large bit of salt; I haven't really listened to that much music generally, and especially not of that era, so I haven't the largest of sample sizes). Apparently though, Leep 27 is from and in Minnesota, which is pretty cool! Not much of anything comes from Minnesota, so it's always neat to see literally anything even somewhat interesting coming from it; even if it's middling 2003 pop rock
I recently went to a thrift shop to buy some gifts for some friends, and ended up with two new cds that I've never heard of before— Swing by The Manhattan Transfer, and Концерт by Billy Joel. I enjoyed listening through Swing, as it's, as the name implies, a bunch of swing jazz music. I'm a passive fan of jazz, I don't usually seek it out but find it to always be a treat to my ears, so that album was a neat bit of proverbial rock candy. I haven't gotten to Концерт yet, though, but I'll make sure to write up some sort of review one I have. I'm quite excited to give it a listen, as it's apparently a collection of live recordings from a part of one of Billy Joel's tours in which he performed in the USSR, which is a pretty interesting bit of history.
This obtaining of new cds is soon to become a bit of a habit as I begin to listen to music more and more, and have a stronger and stronger desire for physical media. I'm actually planning on buying an old iPod (probably the 5 or 6) and slapping RockBox on it so that I can listen to music that I own more genuinely. Also; I've meant to update this site with a bit more frequency, but I've been rather tired lately due to the drowsy weather, so I haven't been. I'll be sure to update it more now that my schedule allows me to sleep a little more lol, and I'll definitely try to write the second part of whatever I have going on in the Languages section of this website.
If you, random website look-at-er, have been looking at the 'languages' section of this here website, you may've noticed a whole lot of changes, some big, some small. You especially might have noticed a lot of small changes in the IPA transcriptions of words and letters. This is because I often write things wrong on accident, and/or simply forget things (like transcribing a vowel's reduction, or writing down alternative pronounciations of letters). Honestly, it's pretty funny to mess up writing the transcription of a letter or word from a language that I literally created the phonology of. It's a good reminder that when you create a language, you have to learn it as well.
I feel like this is especially evident in the last paragraph of the 'phonological oddities' part of the page, in which I couldn't initially explain the pronounciation rules of the letter h and had to explain them through a lengthy example, after which I wrote a conclusion that explained the rule really well. Did I really need to write that whole example? No. Could I have removed everything except the conclusion? Yes. But I actually completely couldn't place what the actual rule was until writing out the example bc I was just so used to it and regarded the differing pronounciations as basically random, because I'm in a unique position in which I am both the creator and speaker of the words that I write, and thus don't notice things becoming natural rules (i. e. phonological rules) while I write up and memorize artificial ones (i. e. grammatical rules). It's quite the interesting phenomenon, I think.
Today is Thanksgiving! My family doesn't really celebrate though, we just eat a Thanksgiving-themed dinner and move on like normal. I would say that it's really sad or something that we don't put much effort into such a celebration, but frankly Thanksgiving isn't really a holiday that I think needs much celebration. I find the holiday as a whole to be quite superfluous, though its celebration being "hang out with your loved ones" and "be grateful for food and your material and ethereal goods" makes it a hard holiday to specifically dislike; I say that as one with a family who holds similar political beliefs to their own, but even if that weren't the case, friends exist, and those with true and good friends are never really without an accepting/supportive family.
Anyways, that was my short little Thanksgiving rant thing, I'm gonna go eat food, drink, and be merry as everyone deserves to one such a fine day as this.
Every day is one closer to something good! Probably, at least. Regardless, I got around to adding a page for the blog aspect of this website!!!! Also I've changed the main page to be more "cohesive", or at least less chaotic. I finished Arcane yesterday!!!! It was very awesome (despite everything feeling a little bit rushed and there being some un-tied ends) and I'm glad to've watched it.
Kendrick also dropped two days ago, and I finally have an opportunity to listen to it! So far, it's as amazing as a Kendrick album should be!
Overall, very chill day to add onto my very chill week (it wasn't actually very chill but that's fine), though my great tiredness the past two mornings tells me that I may start feeling more depressed again. Such is life; though it does annoy me that I lost much of my motivation to do anything as I was just starting to write again :/
Yeagh that's right it's all purple now 😎😎 and there's nothing you could do about it 😎😎 heck yeah 😎😎. Anyways, I figured out how to do colours and text effects! I'm gonna also figure out how to format anything properly, as the current state of this site is still a tad rough lol. Also I'm now super not sick at all anymore! I've still had a bit of a cough throughout the day, but it should be gone completely tomorrow! I think, at least; who knows, maybe I have super mega lung cancer and will explode in my sleep 🤷
yeagh I'm still very much sick :/, on the bright side though, it's payday! I purchased a campsnap camera, so when that arrives, I'm gonna have a field day with photo-taking! I can't wait to take random pictures of stuff more than I do usually! (Granted, I don't often take pictures, but now I'll hopefully start doing so more often!) I actually already have a camera— the FujiFilm SQ40, but it's an instant camera, so it's a little bit expensive to use too much. It's also fairly bulky, so my (at times) limited space for going places isn't adequate for its use. I think that I'm gonna be updating this website mainly on the weekends, as I have much that keeps me busy and away from my computer during the week. I also need to figure out how to actually format anything, as this site currently looks quite bad
ok so I must say that I'm quite the fan of this season so far! its good! I would provide any sort of critical analysis but my brain is fried from whatever it is that my body is fighting with a slight fever and a shitty cough. oh the plights of illness. may god or whoever smite my woes (I've been somewhat sickly these past weeks, mayhaps this is the end (jk gang I'm probably just more unlucky than usual))