Hi-up, I'm Ardesh, or Toldrone, or Toldy for short! That's not actually my name though (I know, big surprise), but who cares?
Anyways, here's a bunch of random made-up questions with real answers!
How many cats do you own?
Oh jeez, thanks for asking such an interesting question, Interviewer Mai Self! I have three cats— a mackerel tabby named Binx, an anxious tuxedo named Zen, and a classic tabby named Peef. Technically, Zen and Binx are my siblings' cats, but everyone has to take care of them to some extent, so really they're everyone's cats.
Why are you making a website?
Oh, well, uhhhh, idk. I initially wanted a place to put things that I made on the internet but without having to deal with the woes and silliness of social media, but then I started to actually write down some HTML, and realized that I just really enjoy it. I don't know what about it specifically makes my brain go yes, but something about it does, so it I will do.
What are your pronouns?
Oh right, words to describe oneself! I generally prefer she/they, but I don't really care too much any way.
What's with the languages?
Oh the languages! Well, when I was boredly sitting in my room many a year ago, I realized that I should make a language for the worldbuilding project that I was doing (and still am doing), and so I created Anshens, named after Ansheeis, which was what I used to call a hypothetical language and people that I never really developed (well I mean, I guess I have now, but with different names). I think it was at that point that I went insane, because years later, I've created 7 'official' alphabets (I've made several more, but either decided against them in favour of another, or made them out of boredom and scrapped them), which all correlate to one of 6.5 different languages, all of which have mostly thought-out grammar, well thought-out phonologies, and mostly pretty lackluster vocabularies. Overall, Anshens is really the only one that could be taught beyond an explanation of grammar and phonology, as it's the oldest and most developed.
Yes! I've recently been very much enjoying the insanity of the band That Handsome Devil, a little bit of Kendrick Lamar, some Good Kid, some AJR, and my playlist also has a small spattering of Will Wood, Juice WRLD, and femtanyl to really spice up my car rides! Do note though, a song on my playlist isn't always a good song; sometimes I just like a fun sound because it's fun!
Are you, perchance, neurodivergent?
What gave it away????? The languages or the website? Mayhaps in my manner of speech and writing lies a secret code that spells out "I'm autistic". Ah well, I've been caught. And by hit interviewer Mai Self at that! I suppose that your deduction skills ought to be rewarded. I bestow upon thee pictures of my cats:
Binx stealing my chair (no I don't know why he's so angular in this image)Peef being adorable as alwaysPeef once again being adorable, but while also laying in my bedZen being Zen (he's probably more afraid than he looks)